Business in Aalborg

If you have a company in Aalborg you have the opportunity to support Study Aalborg, as well as students in the city, by participating in this study discount system.


Below you see some of the benefits for your company, when you take part in Study Aalborg and Studiz ' student discount system:


- Participation in the study discount system gives businesses exposure through this website, Studiz website, Studiz app and Facebook.

- You have the opportunity to attract new customers and create a relationship with your future customers.

- Companies have the option of targeted newsletters to students.

- Exposure through traditional printed material distributed to the students.


And then you do a good deed for the many poor students in the city - most people have tried to live on a SU budget themselves!


If you and your company are interested in being a part of this study discount system, or hear more about the scheme and benefits you are welcome to contact Studiz:


Lasse Tindbæk (Studiz)

Tlf.: 29 40 83 39

E-mail: [email protected]

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